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7th February 2016, 11:03 AM
Re: headline belfast 1959 til 1967
The Chief Officer on the Beaverfir in 69 was a guy called Ralph Potts from Belfast. Shure he was ex. Head line as he would always go ship visiting if there was a Head line ship nearby.
He eventually ended up running his own shipping agency in Belfast.
When containers started there was one Head line ship that I recall that was converted to carry containers and C.P. had a joint service with Head line with containers on the N. Atlantic run with, if I am correct, Head line handling the Liverpool and Belfast containers to Quebec.
Just watched the video in #58 and it brought back great memories for me as cadet on the Beaverfir going up the St. Lawrence to the Great Lakes.
Just looking at the 2nd ship they passed, the Uranus?, its funnel looked suspiciously like a C.P. funnel at the time, tried to see its name but no joy. If it was a C.P. ship then it would have been the Beaverpine and if "Bootsie" was in charge then he would have been spitting blood as he had got a number of silver canes for being the Master of the first ship in to Montreal after the winter freeze up and would have been going for his gold cane.
Last edited by John Arton; 7th February 2016 at 11:24 AM.
Post Thanks / Like
9th April 2017, 05:37 PM
Re: Tilly R783874
Hi Tilly
Was just reading an old post(2008) to Brian Kernohan about HEAD LINE. Not sure of your connection but, if you are interested,there is a Reunion of ex Head Line Employees on 25 May 2017. Give me a ring if you are interested.....Dessie Cowan 07940834184
27th April 2017, 06:10 AM
Re: Tilly R783874
Dear friends I am deeply sorry to inform you that Desi McKinley has passed away in his home Brockville Canada. He served his time on the Rathlin Head.Rest in peace Desi. I'll always remember you for your humour and company.Raymond Seaye
Post Thanks / Like
24th August 2017, 05:32 AM
Re: Headline of belfast

Originally Posted by
Any of you "old" Headliners recall an apprentice called Ian Piggot?
Ian Piggot , my father's cousin, does reside in Belfast area in Bangor , he is or was the Secretary of The Royal Belfast Golf Club . I haven't heard from him in about 2 yrs . His son John is a physician in Dunfermline Fife
21st June 2020, 01:25 PM
Re: Tilly R783874
Tilly, Billy sadly crossed the bar around 20 years ago so I've just heard, Campbell was 3rd engineer on the new Torr Head in 1962 the joined NIE at Ballylumford power station. He's still around in the Kings Road area.
- - - Updated - - -
Sadly Dessie Cowan crossed the bar on 1 April 2020 after a long illness.
2nd July 2022, 07:06 PM
Re: Tilly R783874
Hi Tilly, Campbell Gardner was 3'E on the new mv Torr Head 1962 , but came ashore and worked in the management of Ballylumford power station, Islandmagee until retirement. He still resides in South Belfast. Billy, as described to me, died some years past in Monte Carlo predeceasing his wife. Mike.
- - - Updated - - -
Desmond Cowan, late of Headline, Belfast ,died 1 April 2020.
18th July 2023, 02:14 PM
Re: Tilly R783874
Tilly, Campbell still resides in Belfast's Kings Road, Billy passed away in Monte Carlo some years ago,l believe.
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