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N.B. If you are going to be requesting help from one of the forums with finding historical details of a relative
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23rd December 2009, 01:07 AM
Roonagh Head
Hi Robo, It's getting harder and harder to put names to faces, I'm trying to get a visual of you. I was on the Roonagh at that time, one of four apprentices, there was Brian Kane, Andy Niblock, Brian something or other and myself, Raymond Seaye. I do remember the Red Dean, I think Green was captain. Were you tall with blond hair?. Do you remember Desi Cardbury he was about 4th or5th engineer, anyway he has long since passed away/died very young. We almost lost our bosun that trip after he fell down the hatch from the tween deck No. 2 hold. Anyhow it's nice to see there are still Head Line men still alive and kicking and I've been in touch with a few lately. Keep in touch, Raymond Seaye
24th January 2010, 08:37 PM
Greetings again, Since I am new on this thread, Is there anywhere to post a few old photo`s, A lot of them are still hidden away with my luncheon vouchers and monkey`s Some of the pictures are not in the best of nick.
25th January 2010, 05:16 AM
G'day Brian, if you go to GALLERY at the top of the page, click on to upload photos, follow the prmpts and away you go.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

26th March 2010, 11:44 PM
Cheers John, Made an attempt to upload old photo of Ramore Head using image shack. The photo shows in cargo ships but first one is too small. Tried 2nd one which was slightly bigger. What is correct size or url to use so that when you click on photo it gives you a reasonable shot.
Secondly how can I delete the first photo??.
If I can get this right I can post some notorious old Head Line
27th March 2010, 06:15 AM
G'day mate, not sure about deleting photos but sure Brian who operates the site will help you with that one as well as the size. But don't worry, post what you can and lets see hoe you go. Good luck with it.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

31st March 2010, 07:28 PM
Head Line photo`s
Well folks, with Brian`s help I have posted 2 photo`s. The Carrigan Head and Ramore Head. ( the coffee stains are an added
You can view in gallery under Cargo ships.
Last edited by brian skillen; 31st March 2010 at 07:30 PM.
5th April 2010, 10:45 PM
head line old days
hi brian long time no sea !Found this site quite by chance Glad to see so9me old names cropping up.Isailed with Billy Gardiner on the old Bengore Head. Finished up at sea with Irish Ferries about 12yrs. ago. Worked as a tour guide for the last few years. Looking forward to hearing from some old shipmates. George
5th April 2010, 10:57 PM
Hi George Knight
Would just like to give you a warm Welcome to this very good site!
Here you will find lots of info,good Crew and with luck also find a few old Shipmates!
So sit back,relax and just enjoy the trip!
Hope we will have you here for a long time!
A site truly worthy of the British Merchant Navy!
If this applies to you then please do send in your details!
Note Well
If you would like to join in and have your Full name R Number and First Ship
Included in the Flag project then please pass it on to Mike Hall who is doing a Main Flag for all
to be displayed some time in one of the UK Museums!
We need your names to get the New Flag full,so please do respond!
Thank you
Vernon (castleman)
Please go to following Link
Or reply to me in person! Via Private Message Link above below I will pass on the info!
If any new Members or old ones too want a bit of info on the Flag Projects please
Go to the following Links where you can see Pics and Write ups on this subject!
If you have already done this then please accept my apologies!
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 5th April 2010 at 11:06 PM.
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
5th April 2010, 11:07 PM
Hello Brian S
PS If you need any other help on uploading Pics just holler!
The set Size is 800 x 600 which is a good size and allowable on site!
If you download and use the free Program called Irfranview this will make it a lot easier to resize any Pic for uplaoding to Gallery! Get the Free Version!
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
8th April 2010, 05:04 AM
Coffee stains
Hi Brian, Good to see you have some old photo's tucked away in your tea/chest. But the coffee stains,they wouldn't have happened in your Head/Line days as coffee was a luxury on board any Head/boat then, you must have had it stashed away from us, never mind all is forgiven. Brian there's an interesting book published in 1990 called HEAD LINE/ G.HEYN@SONS LTD By W.J.HARVEY] its really worth getting as it has the full history of the company along with photos of the fleet from year one,finishing with an old Brigadier writing a short story about his round trip on the CARRIGAN HEAD. All the best for now. Raymond
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