A Lot in this to think about – Read on – the bottom line says it all:Thanks for being my friend.We grew up in the 40s – 50s – 60s:We studied in the 50s – 60s – 70s:We dated in the 50s – 60s 70s:We got married and discovered the world in the '60s – '70s – '80s:We ventured into the 70s – 80s:We stabilized in the 90s:We got wiser in the 2000s:And went firmly through the 2010s.It turns out we've lived through NINE different decades,TWO different centuries, andTWO different millennia.We have gone from the telephone with an operator for long-distance calls to video calls to anywhere in the world. We have gone from black and white photos to color slides to YouTube; from vinyl 12-inch records to cassettes to CDs to online music, from handwritten letters to email and to WhatsApp.From listening to the cricket live on the radio to black and white TV, then colour TV, and then to HDTV.We went from black and white movies at the cinema to colour films at the cinema to black and white TV, to colour TV, to VHS taped movies, to DVD movies, and now we watch Netflix. We got to know the first computers, punch cards, diskettes and now we have gigabytes and megabytes in hand on our cell phones or iPads.We wore shorts throughout our childhood and then long pants, oxfords, Bermuda shorts, etc. We dodged infantile paralysis, polio, meningitis, H1N1 flu and now COVID-19.We rode skates, tricycles, bicycles, invented cars, bicycles, mopeds, gasoline or diesel cars and now we ride hybrids or 100% electric.Yes, we've been through a lot but what a great life we've had! They could describe us as "exennials" people who were born into the world of the forties and fifties, who had an analogue childhood and a digital adulthood. We're kind of Ya-seen-it-all.Our generation has literally lived through and witnessed more than any other in every dimension of life. It is our generation that has literally adapted to "CHANGE".A big round of applause to all the members of a very special generation, of which are UNIQUE. Here is a precious and very true message:TIME DOES NOT STOP! Life is a task that we do ourselves every day. When we look, it's already six in the afternoon; when we look, it's already Friday; when we look, the month is over; when we look, the year is over; when we look, 50, 60, 70 and 80 years have passed!When we look – we no longer know where our friends are. When we look – we lost the love of our life and now, it's too late to go back.Do not stop doing something you like due to lack of time. Do not stop having someone by your side, because your children will soon not be yours, and you will have to do something with that remaining time, where the only thing that we are going to miss will be the space that can only be enjoyed with the usual friends. This time that, unfortunately, never returns.That day is today!WE ARE NO LONGER AT AN AGE TO POSTPONE ANYTHING.Hopefully, you have time to read and then share this message – or else leave it for "LATER", and you will see that you will never share it!Always together, always united, always brothers/sisters, always friends.Pass it on to your best friends. Don't leave it for later.