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16th September 2023, 07:58 PM
Re: Politics and religion
The only reason the UK has had trouble with leaving the EU, is because most of the politicians, business people, fatcats, that run things here, have thwarted every move made to take advantage of not being in it. Nothings going to run smoothly if they don't want it to, but they'll make a killing out of it if they can, and do. I was also against joining the common market in the first place.
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17th September 2023, 12:59 AM
Re: Politics and religion
Depending on what the British people wanted depended the way they voted If the vote had gone the other way Britain would be further advanced into a junior partner in to the State of Europe and the biggest advantage would of been Westminster could have closed its doors to any thoughts of British politicians had of advancing British law , it might just as well become a home for illegal undesirables . Most British people of British ancestry are faithful to their country thank God for that , already before the vote was taken Brussels had the uk renamed into various zones and the first to disappear would of been all the County names of old , if that’s what people wanted then that’s what they would have voted for. The right choice was taken in my opinion , but I dont reside there anymore , so may not be allowed to have one even though the fruit of my loins does. JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 17th September 2023 at 01:01 AM.
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17th September 2023, 06:29 AM
Re: Politics and religion
I sailed one vessel where the captain's wife was a convert to Catholosism and would only eat fish on friday sand would call all Catholics on board to go to church on Sunday's.
Luckily we had the Chinese chief steward in our pockets, so we never had fish on the menu on a friday. So, she would look at menu and with a sigh say, just soup please. The second mate would then arrive and order soup, when it came the first thing he said was "You can really taste the ham bone in this". The captain's wife would push her soup away and say coffee please.
Another friday, the Chief Engineer who was also a Catholic by berth found a parchment on his place, when he arrived, he unrolled the parchment (Chart paper varnished) and read out the screed which said, "This document hereby releases >>>>>>(Name) from eating fish on a Friday while at sea.This document may be renewed at any post office on payment of 3 beers. Signed by John, Paul and Ringo.
The Captain's wife immediately walked out and did not come back into the saloon for over a week.
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18th September 2023, 03:18 PM
Re: Politics and religion
I don't want to go too far or into any degree of examples because I would again be accused of being a right wing conspiracy theorist but if you google for information on the plans , intentions and policies the EU plan to introduce as control of the masses , you will be even more thankful for Brexit.
At nearly 77 , I'm really to old to care but really fear for my grandchildren. Maybe I should advise them to move to my hometown Gourock.
Right , Marian ?.
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19th September 2023, 03:09 AM
Re: Politics and religion
We were berthed in Tauranga in NZ North Island, I had got up early on this Sunday, two men came aboard and asked if there were any one who would like to go to Church, I went down to the cabins woke everyone up and said there is a big party on, plenty of girls, hurry and get dressed, everyone raced to get ready and out they went in the two cars waiting on the wharf. I wasn't around when they came back. They had gone into this big building yelling where's the booze and the girls , only to be greeted by stares from the congregation.
Lest We Forget
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19th September 2023, 05:00 AM
Re: Politics and religion
To BREXIT or not to Brexit that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of the EU or by Brexiting oppose them, to sleep purchance to dream. aye there's the rub.,
And in that sleep what dreams may come, of times long gone England was her own not taken by some intruder who cast his evil spell across the land and said come follow me, for I will lead you to the land of plenty.
But what dreams came from this, for many who voted out they are happy, but for many, those who now have to queue to go to Europe no such joy.
So unto each his choice for good or bad.
I rest my case.
Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller
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19th September 2023, 08:10 AM
Re: Politics and religion
Originally Posted by
Des Taff Jenkins
We were berthed in Tauranga in NZ North Island, I had got up early on this Sunday, two men came aboard and asked if there were any one who would like to go to Church, I went down to the cabins woke everyone up and said there is a big party on, plenty of girls, hurry and get dressed, everyone raced to get ready and out they went in the two cars waiting on the wharf. I wasn't around when they came back. They had gone into this big building yelling where's the booze and the girls , only to be greeted by stares from the congregation.
Jeez Des i just love that one ......made me laugh out loud ........greedy barstewards wernt we
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19th September 2023, 11:51 PM
Re: Politics and religion
Originally Posted by
John Cassels
And of couse you are correct Vic. It never fails to surprise me that the people who whine on the most about Brexit do not even live in
an EU land and so have no idea of the policies those appaling people in Brussels are planning for us poor sods in mainland Europe.
Dinnae fret laddies. A Democratic result will never be reversed by a pompous oaf. ''Who-so spareth ye sprynge, spilleth his children”
In others words a good skelp for an impertinent wean widnae go amiss
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20th September 2023, 07:24 AM
Re: Politics and religion
Wiil UK ever go back into the EU??
Somehow I doubt it, if they did life would be made very hard for them by France and Germany I fear.
I did hear the Labor leader mention going back if they win the next erection, but words when n opposition are easy to use.
Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller
20th September 2023, 02:32 PM
Re: Politics and religion
Sir Keir Stammer has never said he would apply for the UK to re join the EU. He has said he wants to negotiate a better relationship with the EU.
Anyway best leave it before ww3 breaks out again on site.
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