John re. #30.

I read your post with heartfelt interest. I asked my wife if she wanted to post it on her Facebook, or whatever, and she told me she had seen it on her Facebook page, and it received many likes, and it had not been Americanized for local consumption. It was the true blue British version as you posted.

There is a solution to the problem. Sneak them into the U.S., courteous of M.I.6, and then they--M.I.6--tip of our immigration... a quick trial for illegal entry with conspiracy to?...Whatever! And off to join hubby in maximum security. They can touch fingers and hook between bars for the rest of their lives.

The bottom line is thanks to people like you this message has/is/ and will circle the world.

P.s. I'm on vacation, supposed to be using the wife's lap top and stealing her time.

Cheers, Rodney in Myrtle beach, South Carolina (Temp. 63f,sunny, rain tomorrow, who cares we are going home).