By registering with our site you will have full instant access to:
268,000 posts on every subject imaginable contributed by 1000's of members worldwide.
25000 photos and videos mainly relating to the British Merchant Navy.
Members experienced in research to help you find out about friends and relatives who served.
The camaraderie of 1000's of ex Merchant Seamen who use the site for recreation & nostalgia.
Here we are all equal whether ex Deck Boy or Commodore of the Fleet.
A wealth of experience and expertise from all departments spanning 70+ years.
It is simple to register and membership is absolutely free.
N.B. If you are going to be requesting help from one of the forums with finding historical details of a relative
please include as much information as possible to help members assist you. We certainly need full names,
date and place of birth / death where possible plus any other details you have such as discharge book numbers etc.
Please post all questions onto the appropriate forum
Please log in with your Username and Password
If you have forgotten either please let me know and I will send you your Username and a new Password.
Your help with this will be greatly appreciated.
1st April 2015, 03:50 PM
I have been in contact with most of the major sites that display photos of various ships.
These include as follows,
PHOTOSHIP.(on memory stick)
Most do not have a problem with our members taking copies of photos from their sites.When uploading, members must comply with Copyright Law.(See below)
Post only photographs or videos for which you have copyright ownership. Other people’s slides or negatives can only be used if their name and permission is stated in the description. If you own or hold prints, slides or negatives that have been purchased or acquired by other means but you are not certain of the copyright owner you must NOT upload to the website, all photographs not taken or owned by the member must clearly state in the description the name of the person that owns the copyright and that the member has approval to upload them to this website. Photo's with the wording copyright or a signature displayed upon the photo will be deleted.
An Exception to this is Chris Houghton & Benny Dahl who post all their photos with their own Copyright insignia.
Do not upload Photographs from publications and books, they are Copyright.
A message has been added to the gallery pertaining to Copyright.
Thank you
Last edited by Mike Hall; 10th November 2020 at 03:38 PM.
Reason: Addition of information.
Gallery Manager and Friend of the Website
R 693816
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