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6th January 2023, 11:17 AM
Prince Harry
Just a comment on the last few days from this guy in USA, a royalist i aint, but is he on a suicide mission ?, his personal and family security protection has been withdrawn, and apart from ripping his family apart, his remark on killing 25 Taliban surely he must see his whole family is in danger, every nutter in USA could be lying in wait for him or his kids etc. The only thing i can think of its in the pursuit of money, now that has been cut off. All families have problems, my own two lads never got on, surely most of this is normal. He will never get back in the fold now, what has been said cannot be cancelled.
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6th January 2023, 11:39 AM
Re: Prince Harry
To me Keith I do believe in the system of the UK and the standing of the British ex Empire now the Commonwealth. Harry to me appears Physcologically unfit for any duties apart from his own perceived injustices in life. He has certainly given up being any patriot of the UK and I see him and his partner unfit to hold any official status in the UK monarchy . If people want to play dirty cast your mind back 35 years ago and. People sniggering behind clasped hands and questioning his parentage. He is going to have to go through all that again the way he is going. As for his so called army exploits you can believe or not myself I see him as probably the best protected soldier in the British Army. As to his admittance to drug taking he should be thinking twice about the possibility’s of today being charged as a private citizen of breaking the law. I for one have no interest in his profession as a book author. Cheers JS... would rather read Lady Chatterlys lover, the Port Said version. Cheers JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 6th January 2023 at 11:50 AM.
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6th January 2023, 12:01 PM
Re: Prince Harry

Originally Posted by
.. would rather read Lady Chatterlys lover, the Port Said version. Cheers JS
When you've finished it, can you mail it to me, unlike Cappy I will re-imburse your expenses, if there are any pages stuck together, then forget it!
As for Harry, what a spoilt privileged whingeing brat, both is father and Charles must be appalled at his conduct. He cannot see that he is being used as a money machine by the publishers, who themselves along with his ghost writer have no morals or regards for his as, well as the Royal family's safety.
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6th January 2023, 12:16 PM
Re: Prince Harry
Maybe he has a point about how the UK/world media did hound his mother to death. He feels the same thing is happening again with his wife. Let's face it the Dad and her half sister are a piece of work.
Charles must be appalled at his conduct, was Charles not pumping Camilla while Diana was pregnant?
Not that long ago the media tried to say William was banging Kates best mate, that was closed down pretty quickly.
But regards his publishers using him?? Think they are both making a lot of money out of this.
Certainly happy our dear Queen is not around to witness this lot tear each other apart.
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6th January 2023, 12:19 PM
Re: Prince Harry
Think Cappy still has it, so can’t guarantee the unstickiness of the pages . All the pages with the corners turned down should be fumigated before opening . Cheers JS
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6th January 2023, 12:22 PM
Re: Prince Harry

Originally Posted by
James Curry
Charles must be appalled at his conduct, .
For someone usually so quick, you need to read the line again James, it was sarcasm
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6th January 2023, 01:08 PM
Re: Prince Harry
You missed the h of is , Ivan that’s what fooled him. JS
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6th January 2023, 01:09 PM
Re: Prince Harry
What a whinger ....thank the gods he wasnt ist born .....if anyone with a brother has not scrapped or fought then i dont believe them .....what does he really want ......i dont think he is capable of making that decision himself....but i do think he needs some treatment as he looks like a cornered animal in his interviews ......even the yanks are getting pissed off now .....his bit about his brother having a bigger bed ......jeez there are thousands of young folk without a bleedin bed.....hope for his own sake and that woman he married .....he goes into obscurity ......and gives us all some peace....R683532...CAPPY...PS GOD SAVE THE KING......
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6th January 2023, 01:58 PM
Re: Prince Harry
Hope he’s now paying tax as an ordinary citizen either US or British , that should bring him down to earth. JS
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6th January 2023, 02:46 PM
Re: Prince Harry
Ivan 3, i think irony was missed in you statement, ie his dad and charles etc. kt
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