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24th January 2023, 09:27 AM
Re: Prince Harry
Keith my post was not directed at you but To all those who seem to take a pleasure of pulling British Heritage down.Something Hitler failed to do in his propoganda during the war years . Even during the war years one had British subjects masquerading as pseudo nazis , thank goodness the law enabled the government to have the power to intern them. Today those types are still with us who have no love for their adopted country .i do not live in the UK anymore but at times fear for the way they are heading , they also have a duty to their Commonwealth who have stuck by them in two world wars. Ausralia as you know celebrates Australia Day in two days time and is no longer under any obligation since 1949 of giving assstance to the UK , and the time may come when they expect it.
The UK with all is alien citizens and no Monarchy would certainly put doubts in my mind , and the first thing I would ask what were the principles we were fighting for. In fact with no Monarchy I would ask what are we doing in the Commonwealth in any case . Take this anyway you want , but countries today have every right to questions on why they are sendng their own citizens to fight in foreign wars . Cheers JS.
Last edited by j.sabourn; 24th January 2023 at 09:32 AM.
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24th January 2023, 10:37 AM
Re: Prince Harry
President Blair gets my vote 
24th January 2023, 10:55 AM
Re: Prince Harry
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25th January 2023, 05:38 AM
Re: Prince Harry
The republican movement here in Oz gets a leg up now and then, but only for a while.
There are too many unknowns with any so far proposal from them.
Continuing to tell us nothing will change, only the head of state.
But what they forget is that it will need a change to the constitution to do that.
Not an easy task, 47 such referendums since 1901, only 7 got up.
Problem is those pushing for change will allow a situation where the parliament choose the new head of state, and that will cause problems as it will be one of the 'mates'.
We are in all but name now a republic, no interference with the laws since 1975, and if it 'aint broke don't try to fix it.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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25th January 2023, 11:29 AM
Re: Prince Harry
Who was the pisshead PM you had. He said to Prince Charles as he was then Australia will become a republic sooner than you think. Think Charles replied , well we certainly will not stand in your way. Seriously I do not think people in the UK would give it a second thought if Australia became a republic or not. HMG are more concerned about hanging on to Scottish Oil.
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25th January 2023, 11:52 AM
Re: Prince Harry
When I lived in England would have said exactly the same thing for Northern Ireland along with the majority of the true population. JS.
Last edited by j.sabourn; 25th January 2023 at 11:53 AM.
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25th January 2023, 12:11 PM
Re: Prince Harry
John I am sure the majority of people who live in Ireland could not really give a toss what England thinks about Ireland. England tries to get uppity with Ireland and there will be 27 EU countries may just turn the screw a bit tighter and tell the UK to behave. Failing that I am sure sleepy Joe will tell the Brits to get back in their box.
25th January 2023, 12:42 PM
Re: Prince Harry
Yep fits in With the profile JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 25th January 2023 at 12:43 PM.
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25th January 2023, 03:58 PM
Re: Prince Harry
Time for bed John you have a nice sleep now, mug of hot Choclate usually works for me.
26th January 2023, 05:21 AM
Re: Prince Harry
All those who want to see a resolution of some sort in Ireland forget one thing, it will be the people not the gov who decide.
Those in the north are staunch Monarchists, while in the south happy as they are.
Neither side has any great desire to join with the other, the problem lies with the media spreading their version of the truth, and a minority who may see a benefit in it for them.
As to us here in Oz, Australia day today, the day when all the WOKERS, W****S and others make a lot of noise them go away until next year.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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