Why is it the UK news seem to be fixated on the weather in the USA/Florida. While I feel for those who have lost their lives and or their homes what really has it to do with us here in the UK. We have enough going on with our own problems caused by shitty weather. I wonder if the USA are being bombarded 24/7 in every news bulletin about UK weather, doubt if we ever get a mention. Just say one thing have American builders never read the childrens story 3 little pigs, I will huff and I will puff and blow your house down.
It is no different here in Oz. Think it is just the TV stations being lazy and frugal by using any means to fill their quota.
That's the way the mop flops. My thanks to Brian for this site.
Originally Posted by Les Woodard It is no different here in Oz. Think it is just the TV stations being lazy and frugal by using any means to fill their quota. Slow news day and padding out the news slot.
#1 James Curry I know how you feel. We are bombarded with news of your royal family. Cheers, Rodney
Rodney David Richard Mills R602188 Gravesend
So are we Rodney, but being a royalist I can live with that. Sadly we are being bombarded with the US Presidential election. We all know how that will pan lIf Trump loses he will never accept the result. Unfortunately USA sneezes and certainly here in the UK we catch a cold.
Last edited by James Curry; 11th October 2024 at 10:44 PM.
At times it is hard to understand exactly what is occurring. Depending on which news service you use will depend on the news. Shock ad awe is what they want, may not be fully true but if it sells copy then they have achieved what they set out to do.
Happy daze John in Oz. Life is too short to blend in. John Strange R737787 World Traveller
UK media and press it is all down to who pays the wages as to what they say. Me personally, the paper that gets closest to the truth is the Guardian. Daily Mail , Telegraph, Express, The Sun which really is a comic along with the Mirror just junk reporting to the pay masters tune.
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