It's all about punishment for Brexit. "The beatings will continue until morale improves".
England and France have never been the best of friends but that is all history. Some might find this an interesting read. The Auld Alliance https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryU...ance-Scotland/ Ah well we are all friends now? Mind you there are 45% of Scots would happily say goodbye to the Union.
The Auld Alliance, France never honoured their side (nothing new) of the agreement. Vic
James, you seem to have all the info, re Scots glad to see the back of us, question, how many of us would like to see the back of the Scots ?, with a few exclusions lol
Originally Posted by Keith Tindell as regards us leaving the EU and disadvantages ref migrants, i don't seem to recall us being able to return them whence they came, ie France, well before 2016, this problem is mainly caused by the EU, with its own leaky borders, and freedom to roam once in Europe. Keith, Your memory is faulty; within the EU there exists an agreement to return some asylum seekers to their initial country of entry without them having to be processed first. It's called the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and the specific part was the so-called Dublin Regulation. With regard to the UK, that enabled Britain to return some asylum seekers to France immediately as soon as they were discovered without any hearings etc. When we left the EU in January 2021 we left that agreement, therefore France (and everyone else in the EU) is no longer obliged to take them back from us once we've picked them up. So we're now stuck with all of them.
Something that is never mentioned in the press here, is the situation in the Republic of Ireland where the EU are flying/shipping hundreds/thousands of immigrants to them. Dublin completely over run in illegals with girls and women being subjected to vile behaviour from the mostly male illegals. As the Republic is part of the EU they have no say about the EU shipping all these illegals over to them. Cases of rape and sexual assaults have grown massively and many Irish citizens are saying it's almost like the illegal young men coming to the country is akin to them forming an army. Even the French are having similar problems with parts of Paris turned into no go areas for the legal residents. Rgds J.A
Jim, that as you say is the case now, but i don't recall many being sent back prior to brexit. One stated on TV yesterday, he would sooner be in jail in UK than freeze in france, we are obviously treating them too well. we will see how this one pans out however.
I was surprised to read that the French are not to enamored with the Scots. I always understood the French liked anything in a skirt. Cheers, Rodney
Rodney David Richard Mills R602188 Gravesend
#14,You have got me Keith and I would suggest a minimum of 55% + of the Scottish nation right behind me all more than happy to stay in the UK. Can't find an up to date poll for the nearest figure since wee Burney left after her absurd views on transgender men and the safety of females in WC's, changing rooms and prison. That was part of her downfall imagine that being her legacy oh and not winning the Referendum and not being able to answer re currency and pensions never mind the Supreme Court ruling and the illogical stance of leaving the United Kingdom only to be ruled by the Europeans!! Her vindictive rants against the British Government at every opportunity up here were appalling, provincial and extremely mortifying for those of us who wish to think for ourselves. There has been a stooshie up here today after last nights televised debate for a new leader. Apparently several Nationalists were left furious as Kate Forbes and Ash Regan attacked the SNP's record in government, now what does that tell you? It means they have learned nothing. If mini me Burney i.e. Humza Yousaf wins the vote he'll take the SNP further down the "Suwannee River" or should that be the Clyde? You couldn't make it up.....
Last edited by Marian Gray; 8th March 2023 at 05:43 PM.
It was a comment made tongue in cheek Marion, and i did mention the exclusions , lol
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