Prices here in Oz, particularly for gas, are escalating at a rate of knots for some. Electric not much better. Main cause is the mad rush to renewable energy with no back up. Closing power stations with not enough renewables in the system and relying on more consumers to install solar panela and batteries at some large cost. Such changes cannot be brought in over night, it takes time. Now the feral gov says it wants by 2029 some 89% of all new vehicles to be EV. tell them they are dreaming. With EV will need to be capable of far greater distances than current, and distances such as we have currently along with thousands of charging stations. Current wait for any vehicle here EV or ICE can be anywhere from 3 to 15 months wait,
Happy daze John in Oz. Life is too short to blend in. John Strange R737787 World Traveller
Originally Posted by Johnny Kieran The cost of power is going to rise again despite the massive profits they've already made. Something going on wrong here somehow. cost of wholesale gas is falling but I bet we don't see prices falling as as fast; same as petrol prices really, crude up one day, petrol the next but it takes a long time for falls to filter thro.
There are currently. 93 nuclear reactors operating in 54 plants in 28 states, with 2 additional plants under construction. Cheers, Rodney
Rodney David Richard Mills R602188 Gravesend
The USA has currently 400 coal fired plants in operation that generate 30% of the nation's electricity needs, however, 111 have been closed, so far, under America's Clean Air plan. Cheers again, Rodney
No worries Rodders, if the USA goes like the rest of us they will be opening some of them again soon. I see Sleepy Joe was in Ukraine promising as much support as they need. Looks a bit like Vietnam all over again. Russia versus USA and a few western nations fighting each other in another country. This could get very nasty if it continues much longer.
What's the option John, appeasement ?, that been trie with Hitler. Putin would not stop at Ukraine, w are all in too deep now.
I agree with that comment, if he was to win next would be Finland, not yet a UN member. No the war must be won by the west, but how long will it take? My opinion for what it is worth, the USA and the western nations involved will drag this out to suit their own agenda. Maybe beat Russia down in number of troops and munitions, too much politics in all of this.
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