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8th May 2016, 02:35 PM
Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969
I sailed on the QE to Port Everglades for what was supposed to be her last trip before becoming a similar venture to Queen Mary in Los Angeles. This was one of the best jobs I had in the Merch. The crew were given a choice of individual cabins, eating in one of the beautiful restaurants and the use of the Caribean Bar as our 'Pig'. A supplement of 5$ a day was payed to us due to the difference in living costs and we also accrued double leave for the length of our stay. 8 months in the Florida sunshine and getting paid, it was great. I bought 1959 Oldsmobile for 75$ and toured all over Florida in it and with our Union Flag on the hood and Queen Elizabeth painted on the Trunk. I would love to hear from any other crew members who also enjoyed this time in Florida.. Leaning on the Oldsmobile are Henry Tucker, Brian Seatherton and myself.
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 9th October 2024 at 08:18 PM.
Reason: Sorry hit wrong button
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8th May 2016, 04:15 PM
Re: Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969
Hi Geoff,
There is a Carinthia class ship behind in the back ground, any idea which one??
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8th May 2016, 10:59 PM
Re: Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969

Originally Posted by
Captain Kong
Hi Geoff,
There is a Carinthia class ship behind in the back ground, any idea which one??
. It was either The Carmania, or The Franconia.
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8th May 2016, 11:23 PM
Re: Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969
They changed the names of them for some daft reason, so we don't know which ship was.
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8th October 2021, 11:38 PM
Re: Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969
From January to March 1969 the Franconia was on a weekly run from Port Everglades to San Juan and St. Thomas, then we went to New York for 3 months on a weekly run to Bermuda. So it was more likely the Franconia than the Carmania.
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9th October 2021, 01:29 AM
Re: Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969
#5 Is that SAN JUAN Puerto Rico ?, I spent the best part of a year 66/67 running to SAN Juan, Bermuda , St. Vincent , St.Lucia and all the Windward Islands , finishing up in Port of Spain. Must have missed her in any of those ports , and never even heard the name mentioned. That Old Oak Rum May of at the time had a memory side affect , but usually ships names stick in the mind. The ship itself have no knowledge of apart from what have read on this site.
But apparently she was well Known to seafarers . JS
Last edited by j.sabourn; 9th October 2021 at 01:31 AM.
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9th October 2024, 04:00 PM
Re: Queen Elizabeth in Port Everglades 1969
Yes, it was Puerto Rico. Not sure whether it was on that run in 66/67. I joined it ( Franconia ) in early January 69 from drydock in Southampton to Port Everglades
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