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20th November 2024, 04:54 PM
Awol again
Hi all, just looking in, maybe for the last time, after having a series of mini strokes earlier in the year, I had a much bigger strok in February, I was recovering quite well
until I had a serious setback a few months ago. My son Gary looked in for a visit and found me laying uncncosious on my bedroom floor, seems Id been there for a couple of days, I have no memory of it at all, the first thing I was aware of was being put on an ambulance. I was in hospital for the next five weeks, been home for about two months now, got a walking aid with wheels as I needed to get back on my feet, now feeling a bit stronger and better, while I was in hospital the appointment for my heart op camf
Gary had to cancel the appointment as it was impossible to do, will now have to see how it goes , only time will tell, have carers daily and district nurse twic a week.
Missed the site and you lads, would like to thank Brian for creating this great site and wish him all the best for the future , also wish everyone on site all the best including absent friends thatre taking a break , hope to look in again at some point, but not sure at the mo. ADIOS AMIGOS. cheers JOHN COLLIER.
Post Thanks / Like
Michael Black,
Tony Taylor,
Doc Vernon,
Rodney Mills,
Des Taff Jenkins,
happy daze john in oz,
Louis the fly,
Mike Hall,
Graham Payne,
Brenda Shackleton,
Stan Carter,
Kenneth Kenny,
Bill Morrison thanked for this post
20th November 2024, 05:22 PM
Re: Awol again
Sorry to hear about your problems John. I sincerely hope you make recovery.
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20th November 2024, 05:55 PM
Re: Awol again
Really sorry to hear about your Medical Problems.
Do not know what to say John, but to send you my very best regards mate.
If possible try to look in on us.
With this MOB it may cheer you up a bit.
Kindest Regards
Graham R774640
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20th November 2024, 07:09 PM
Re: Awol again
John, very sorry to hear about your trials, but after reading your post you must be making some progress. Composing and writing
that post after all you have gone through tells me you are going in the right direction so I am sure we will hear from you again.
Keep fighting mate.
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20th November 2024, 07:24 PM
Re: Awol again
Hello John F
Really not good news at all mate, and i know a bit about where you have been and coming from, after my massive Heart Attack and 6 Bypass Op, but that was some time back, and for me well, lucky that i healed well, and am actually fitter and more active that the previous Years.
I sincerely hope that you will recover well, possibly go for that Op as well, they really are good these days and can do wonders!
If you stay really positive n the mind and Body , you will see just what it can do, so jump to it , and get back to square one ! Thats an Order! LOL.
Seriously though, i am sure you will fight this and be back with us on site in the near future.
In the meantime just go easy, do what you have to, and in time things will look better!
Take Care and a very Merry Xmas to you .
The New Year will bring you more Luck!
Senior Site Moderator-Member and Friend of this Website
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21st November 2024, 02:53 AM
Re: Awol again
Hi John
I have missed your posts mate, so was glad to hear from you. Look after yourself and try to give us a heads up as to how you are doing.
All the luck in the world mate, take real good care of yourself
Lest We Forget
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21st November 2024, 05:37 AM
Re: Awol again
John, are you telling us you will no longer look in the window???
Mate, just hang in there, modern medicine can do wonders.
Keep your chin up, the sun will shine again for you tomorrow.

Happy daze John in Oz.
Life is too short to blend in.
John Strange R737787
World Traveller

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21st November 2024, 02:52 PM
Re: Awol again
Sorry to hear about suffering from your medical conditions, hopefully as others have said, you will be able to make a full recovery and be able to participate on the site for many more years.
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25th November 2024, 02:44 PM
Re: Awol again
Thanks everyone for your good wishes, will give it my best shot. cheers John Collier
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25th November 2024, 10:32 PM
Re: Awol again

Originally Posted by
John F Collier
Thanks everyone for your good wishes, will give it my best shot. cheers John Collier
There you go JOHN, thats your starter for the next one , only when you are for it of course.
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