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    Bruce Morris

    Re: The British Trampship.

    C.T. Bowring ran small tankers for Regent on the Caribbean-UK/€U run. When the bottom fell out of that market they converted/enlarged the Regent

    Bruce Morris Today, 03:32 PM Go to last post
    Valerie Pratt

    Re: Women at sea

    Thanks at last the nurse gets a mention , I do think there was a nurse on all passenger ships but this the first mention on this forum since I joined

    Valerie Pratt Today, 02:00 PM Go to last post

    Re: Interesting trip

    While reading this about the British Merchant Navy, I got really interested. There were so many cool tales and helpful advice from different people. It

    RomanOlson Today, 01:46 PM Go to last post

    Re: merchant Navy Training 1950s

    Lynne if you have your Fathers effects and have his discharge book. Then his number on the book and the ships in the book would maybe give whoever is

    j.sabourn Today, 11:19 AM Go to last post
    Lynne Wright

    merchant Navy Training 1950s

    Hi. I am writing a biography of my father, Owen Connor, who sailed with the Currie Lineand Blue Funnel as AB in 1954 and then as 3/O for Lamport and Holt

    Lynne Wright Today, 11:05 AM Go to last post

    Re: The British Trampship.

    Anyone who sailed on such , know the Winstanley brothers . one of them was cook/ steward and the one I knew was a mate. The one I knew was from West

    j.sabourn Today, 09:58 AM Go to last post
  • Recent Threads

    Lynne Wright

    merchant Navy Training 1950s

    Thread Starter: Lynne Wright

    Hi. I am writing a biography of my father, Owen Connor, who sailed with the Currie Lineand Blue Funnel as AB in 1954 and then as 3/O for Lamport and Holt

    Last Post By: j.sabourn Today, 11:19 AM Go to last post
    John Cassels

    Rules are rules

    Thread Starter: John Cassels

    How's this for a game of soldiers ; The Dutch queen has been subject to much criticism for her continued involvement with the World Economic Forum and

    Last Post By: happy daze john in oz Today, 06:33 AM Go to last post
    happy daze john in oz

    Solar panels

    Thread Starter: happy daze john in oz

    Some years ago we had a guy here in town who designed a small wind turbine suitable to use on any house.
    He also was the local undertaker at that

    Last Post By: Tony Taylor 25th April 2024, 10:28 AM Go to last post
    Doc Vernon

    I am back!!

    Thread Starter: Doc Vernon

    Well Lads and Lasses, i return after a three Weeks good rest and long awaited Holiday to South Africa to visit my Family that still resides there in

    Last Post By: happy daze john in oz 26th April 2024, 03:16 AM Go to last post
    Brian Probetts (Site Admin)

    Terence Montgomery Sullivan RIP

    Thread Starter: Brian Probetts (Site Admin)

    I learned today, with much sadness, that our friend and shipmate, Terence Sullivan Crossed the Bar
    on the 21st April 2024.


    Last Post By: Doc Vernon 25th April 2024, 06:31 AM Go to last post
    David w Hart

    Hi all

    Thread Starter: David w Hart

    Good afternoon, spotted this website so thought I'd join in. Ex BP Shipping, joining at 1977 ( cadet engineer at South Shields). Served on the Centaur,

    Last Post By: Graham Payne 23rd April 2024, 04:46 PM Go to last post
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