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18th February 2010, 07:52 PM
Australind ships
Dave i myself served on the Araluen late 60s . You can find ships picrures on the AIS web site.
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26th June 2010, 11:58 AM
Hungry Goose
I was on the "Araluen" as galley boy from 30.10.58 to 18.8.59,a lovely ship as i remember,i have a photo of her(black & white needless to say)discharging ammunition in Sydney bay,very frustrating being at anchor after 6 weeks at sea,wonder how long it takes these days.
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26th June 2010, 12:06 PM
hi, Brian. i joined her in Leith late 60s. done one ttip on her then went ashore (big mistake). aye she was a good ship.
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26th June 2010, 03:04 PM
Hungry Goose
Hi Martin
My father Ivan "Paddy" Cloherty was bosun on Araluen from 8/69 to 5/71 came ashore after heart attack, previous to that was bosun on "Galway" from 7/66 to 2/69 He liked that ship called it his namesake, as he was born in Galway
Believe captain was a Patrick Geurrier
All the best, enjoy the site
the other
Ivan Cloherty
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27th February 2011, 10:12 PM
Galway & Araluen
Hi all
I was deck cadet on Galway then Araluen 1962-65
Galway captain wasCapt James Rideout with Pat Guerrier as mate. Araluen captain was Capt Wilcox who sneaked a ship out of N. African port at night during WWII. He deliberately left crew ashore in bars so as not to give departure away to German raider waiting offshore. I can't find anything more on this story.
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14th January 2013, 02:52 PM
Joined araluen in the tyne December 1967 ,got engaged all catering staff
came home with me plus a few stores had a great party six month trip
Australia and back,got married 8th JUNE 1968
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5th May 2014, 01:28 PM
Re: Australind ships
Hi Ivan,I sailed with Trinder Anderson from 1971-1976 4th eng onAustralind,Araluen,Arrino,Galway,Antrin,Armadale &Strathirvine (ex Donegal).Although I never sailed with you father Paddy,I did meet him once.This would be in 1966,at the time of the seamens strike.We were four young lads of on a hitch hicking jaunt to Europe.We were heading to Hull to catch the ferry to Rotterdam.We had got as far as Scotch corner and your dad,who at this time driving a truck stopped to give us lift Of course we were very grateful for the lift but your dad went further,he took us to his house and plied us tea and butties.Its something Ive never forgotten.When I was with Tinders I sailed quite a few times with third mate Tony Lowe and we always had a few tinnies after the 8-12 watch,as you do,anyway Tony had sailed with your dad when he was a cadet and he always spoke highly of him.But I must admit when Tony first mentioned Paddy Cloherty I thought its got to be the same guy.When I explained to Tony that I had met Paddy I don't think he believed me,but I was able to describe what your dad looked like and sure enough it was The Paddy Cloherty.A true gent .Cheers Tom McQuade
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5th May 2014, 03:31 PM
Re: Australind ships

Originally Posted by
Tom McQuade
Hi Ivan,I sailed with Trinder Anderson from 1971-1976 .Cheers Tom McQuade
Many thanks for that Tom, sounds like my dad, he often took driving jobs on extended leaves, got his PSV and enjoyed the long distance buses and meeting people. He would always be bringing seamen home whom he'd sailed with at one time or another, must have driven mum mad sometimes. I was living in London in '66 but I remember at an early when living in Hull going down to breakfast on many an occasion and finding a stranger at the breakfast table, all of whom treated my mum and us with the utmost respect, most never failed to offer doing the washing up. He never phoned to let mum know that there would be someone else for dinner and breakfast, but somehow she managed to feed them. I know a lot liked sailing with him as bosun because he always stood their corner if he thought they had been wronged and by the same token stood no truck from them if they were at fault, by all accounts he was something of a character, had sailed as 3rd and 2nd mate so knew both sides of the coin but liked 'on deck' best.
Again many thanks for the memory. Ivan
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 29th September 2021 at 10:08 PM.
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20th October 2014, 08:55 PM
Re: Araluen

Originally Posted by
Martin Rogan
hi, Brian. i joined her in Leith late 60s. done one ttip on her then went ashore (big mistake). aye she was a good ship.

Hi Kevan Price I was an A/B on the kiwi coast and in 1959 the araluen was in Nelson, the south Island of NZ, and I was in a union Co ship, the koranui, one of the
deck crowd, I think an coast from 1958 until 1966, good times and good people.
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11th November 2014, 09:47 PM
Re: Hungry Goose

Originally Posted by
brian evans
I was on the "Araluen" as galley boy from 30.10.58 to 18.8.59,a lovely ship as i remember,i have a photo of her(black & white needless to say)discharging ammunition in Sydney bay,very frustrating being at anchor after 6 weeks at sea,wonder how long it takes these days.
From Kevan Price
would you remember an O/S named Frankie Moon, from Cheltenham. Glos. I have tried to locate him. He wanted to jump ship in Nelson NZ, I was going to help him
I was in the union company ship M.V./ Koranui
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