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Hi Everybody. Im beggining to wonder if anyone as heard of this Shipping Company.I sailed on the Ajana from9/5/58 until 2/10/58. There was only the three ships :-Australin,Ajana,and the third one I cant remember the name of,surely someone must know something??? Dave Williams(R583900)
Hi Dai. Australind S SG CO LTD. Trinder Anderson & Co. LTD. AJANA 1950. 5'627 tons ARALUEN 1958. 5'910 tons AUSTRALIND 1961. 6'276 tons. best wishes geoff
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 26th October 2009 at 08:50 PM.
KISS.keep it simple stupid
Hi Geoff. Thanks for the information.It makes my mind boggle at the information out there just waiting to be tapped into.Cheers. Please keep in touch. Dave Williams(R583900)
Hi Dai---You have a short memory---we informed you of all this on November 8th and Nov.24th. You have an earlier post under this subject..Tip: Under Search on the Main Page type in ARALUEN. See what I mean?I don't think you are reading all your posts. Regards Gulliver
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 26th October 2009 at 08:51 PM.
Hi Davey. Yes I realised after posting the message about the Australin Shipping Co, that I did have this information.As there seemed to be no responce to my message,I thought that I would start the ball rolling so to speak by posting what I did.Thanks again anyway. Dave Williams(R583900)
He only reads the ones that come with little windows in them.
Happy daze John in Oz. Life is too short to blend in. John Strange R737787 World Traveller
As they might say in Glagow. "Is that no the Hungry Goose Line"? P.S. Hope the ? Mark is in the right place,as I may leave myself open to personal attack .such as Terry is being subject to.A jokes a Joke but stuff a Pantomime! Stick with it Our kid !
hi evan. hope you do not include me in the P taking of RLT. i always try and make a joke to ease these silly situations. hence the reference to fly fishing (old ad on telly). cheers and a happy new year. alf
Backsheesh runs the World people talking about you is none of your business R397928
Alf Not in the least . I should have been more specific,sorry. Thank you for the New Year greetings, much appreciated,And would like to extend them to All. I was referring to the attacks on R.l.Ted. Bit over the top! : Unbecoming for an educated Hofficer.Indicates ,no. one's perfect. Cheers!
Hi dave I was deck cadet with Trinder Anderson 62-65 & sailed on the Galway (Avenue SC) for first 2 years & on the Araluen (Australind SC) for the finall year in 64-65. I remember seeing the "Australind" but not the "Ajana". I think the "Ajana" was supposed to have the best accommodation,as they skimped on later ships. Good runs, except the MANZ runs which were up to a year (UK/Aus/NZ/USA/Canada then back south again). Many fond memories of NZ
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