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7th August 2008, 10:40 AM
ships sailed on
i sailed on the athel chief and athel viscount.cheers. alf

Backsheesh runs the World
people talking about you is none of your business
12th August 2008, 02:12 PM
ships sailed on
I was on the Scottish Musician (first ship) and also the Athelcrown (last british ship) Cheers!
23rd August 2008, 12:57 PM
I sailed on the Athelking.
The voyage was Shellhaven, Punta Cardon (Bunkers) Maracaibo, Rotterdam, Mena Al Ahmadi, Eastham.
For my pains, I receved a double DR for being late on board at Rotterdam (well before sailing time), my excuse being that I stayed the night at my girlfriends.
The good captain wrote to my parents having found the letter on the mantlepiece when I got home. What he did not realise was that my father was a sailor too.
All ended well, I got a bit of a lecture at the Shipping Federation office at Tilbury and went back to sea again.
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24th August 2008, 08:14 AM
ref post#1
Hi Alf.
Don't know if I told you, my brother was on the Athel Chief I have a faded photo on the Gallery.It was taken Oct 31st 1944 in Bari Italy.
Cheers Des
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 24th November 2009 at 01:31 AM.
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11th January 2009, 02:28 PM
Athel Line
I sailed on two Athel Tankers and enjoyed the runs as we were carrying molasses not oil,so longer in port and better ports too. Cuba, USA and the like.
First was ATHELCREST Nov 1952 to Apr 1953. I was A/Stwd
Second was ATHELVISCOUNT Jan 1954 to Aprl 1954 again as A/Stwd
Both these were real old ships pre war. When I tried to get photos there was another more modern Athelviscount
Anyone on them at that time ?
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10th February 2009, 03:00 PM
athell photos
hello r396040. if you go to this website click on allen collection it will give you the athell line there you will find photos hope this helps. happy sailing ken foster
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18th March 2009, 04:05 AM
Athel Chief 09-04-1960 / 29-06-1960
25th March 2009, 09:48 PM
I sailed on the Athelmere in 67/68.Forever breaking down;got to know and love Cuba though.Ozzy,Frank &Timothy Alphonso Smith were very good friends.Got an early promo(A.S.)Pool tried to rescind it,fortunately the Old Man sent a supportive letter. (wonderin' how many grankids you got Ozzy)?Harry
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26th March 2009, 11:09 AM
ref post #4
hi des. i'm not that old mate!. try 48. good trips though. cheers. alf
Last edited by Doc Vernon; 24th November 2009 at 01:31 AM.

Backsheesh runs the World
people talking about you is none of your business
22nd November 2009, 09:03 PM
Geoff Bartlett. AB
Did last two trips on Athelmere. Final one to Faslane for scrap.
Cuba good run ashore. No subs. Only aftershave!
Cement mixer in focsle head. Cement blocks all over the deck sealing steam pipes.
Previous trip just limped back to Avonmouth, dragged anchor in Bristol channel, hit quay on way in. What a nightmare.
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