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8th September 2016, 08:56 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Thanks Hugh got that far but unable to read script unless I pay the £3.50, thought I was able to view via Ancestry,
not in this case I'm not
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8th September 2016, 09:40 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Unfortunately, not Marian. Ancestry show the link but it only takes you to the owning site (Kew). I don't know why they mention it when you can't open it on their site.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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N/A thanked for this post
8th September 2016, 10:23 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys

Originally Posted by
Hugh who went down with the fleet as such as a specialist would know a lot more if willing to talk about it. However that was more recent and as far as Brenda is talking I doubt apart from such ships that were armed would be totally MN manned. Cheers JWS
Yes, John, in the case of the rescue ships they were manned completely by the Merchant Navy. Slightly different from other MN ships that had DEMS ratings and CONSIGS staff aboard as required. Most STUFT ships taken up for the Falklands had a naval party on board and although we had our duties and were under the SNO (senior naval officer), the ship was under the command of the master of the vessel as is always the case.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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9th September 2016, 03:13 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Right. Found the text that I had deleted..............!
Dad’s notes re; Convoy Conference. Loch Ewe. September 1942
Rear- Admiral Boddam-Whetham. “ Is the Master of the ‘Copeland’ present?”
“Yes, Sir”, I answered.
“Captain, will you please note the change in your cruising position. It is not intended that you should pick up survivors. The Corvettes and trawlers will do that and take them to you. Meanwhile, you will keep your station of No. 15 at all times, and all survivors will be brought to you. This is the procedure for PQ18.”
With a, ”I understand,” I sat down thoroughly disgusted with the so-called procedure for PQ18. ‘This order’ – given by the Commodore was the absolute negation of all that we, Masters, Officers and men of the Rescue Ship Service hold so dear. That is, ‘Freedom of movement ‘. Absolute freedom to move to where the fight is the hottest. ‘Freedom’ , which enables us to snatch up every mother’s son, somebody’s father or brother – very often from a watery grave. Through that order ‘Copeland’ ceased to be a Rescue Ship even in name.
I was wild with indignation and fumed inwardly. What could I do? Protest? I knew that protesting would not avail me much, so I then and there made up my mind that, should the circumstances warrant it- NO ORDERS ON EARTH or consequences , would prevent’ Copeland’ from being a RESCUE SHIP. I took a glance over my left shoulder and saw that Mr. Armour (Jim Armour First Officer) was obviously very hurt also. I knew that he concurred with my decision.
Later on, precisely eleven days later my decision was put into practical effect.
When I met Rear-Admiral Boddam-Wetham again; it was after we had arrived in Archangel. We met in the Ward Room of the Naval Base. He knew that I had disobeyed orders and I felt that I had to offer an explanation for my actions. He was most magnanimous about it. “That’s all correct, Captain. You acted well and disobeyed orders in the proper spirit and for a good reason. If anything, it is cause for congratulations; your ship did very well.”
Last edited by Brenda Shackleton; 9th September 2016 at 03:15 PM.
Reason: spelling
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15th September 2016, 11:02 AM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Good Morning Hugh, Many thanks for your latest (7 Sept) I have only just found it!
We very much appreciate the efforts you and others are putting into our enquiry.
we will pursue your latest suggestions, but 'unfortunately' are going to be away for five weeks,so there will inevitably be some delay.
Marian Gray's input was certainly a revelation- we had no idea of half of it!
Thanks again -we will try to keep up.Regards, Pamela v. White.
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5th November 2016, 07:59 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Good Evening all - Am now returned from our extended holiday. What does the "Seaman's Pouch ' consist of? is it likely to provide any information useful to our search for evidence of my late Father's service on Arctic Convoys??
Many thanks, Pamela.
5th November 2016, 08:58 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Hi Pamela,
Records relating to individual seamen filed together in a pouch. These documents may include application forms (most with a photograph of the seaman), certificates, identity cards, cessation documents and notifications of death. Some pouches contain a lot of information others virtually nothing. I would always recommend getting the pouch as it is part of his service records. However, as the first Arctic Convoy (Dervish) assembled in August 1941 the record that will tell you what ship(s) he was on would be his CRS 10.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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6th November 2016, 06:24 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Thanks Hugh, At the risk of being a further pain - HOW do I actually set about getting this material? Can it be done on line , or by post, or what? As we live down in Devon it is not so easy to get to Kew now!
Many thanks again, Pamela .
6th November 2016, 09:12 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Hi Pamela,
Sent you a pm.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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9th November 2016, 05:12 PM
Re: Athel tankers on Arctic Convoys
Hi Hugh - Sorry - not sure what your last message means!
Regards, Pamela
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