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12th May 2015, 06:57 PM
Athel Line between the wars
I'm new here and have just found this forum so I'm hoping someone,perhaps with a long memory (!) might be able to help.
I'm researching the life of my grandfather, Henry Moore, who sailed with the Athel Line moving molasses from soon after WW1 until his retirement in about 1947. I've pieced together a lot of his early life like rounding the Horn under sail as a 14 yr old apprentice and most of what I have can be read at Henry Moore - a sailor then click on his name.
He was the master of Athelstane when she was sunk by Jap dive bombers in 1942 but that's all I can find because I've drawn a blank in trying to find any records of the Athel ships and crews.
I've tried Hearts of Oak, the Ships List and the AAA among many others but I'm dead in the water at the moment. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to read them.
Best wishes,
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12th May 2015, 07:56 PM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hello David,
British Tanker United Molasses Co. 5,571 tons. Built in 1918. Bombed by Japanese aircraft and sunk in the Indian Ocean on 9th April 1942.
London Gazette 22 December 1942 - For services when the ship was bombed and sunk.
Johns, Joseph - Deck Topass - Commendation
Moore, Henry - Captain - Commendation.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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13th May 2015, 08:53 AM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hello Hugh,
I've replied to yours in the welcome thread, I'll stay here for any more. I have the Board of Trade report of the sinking and you might be interested in:
A beautifully made film of great sensitivity, I thought. The sinking, however, is the only part of his life with the Athel Line that I've been able to find except some family snapshots and a reference in Ray Solly's fleet history.
I've thought of a trip to the Nat Maritime Museum but the web site is pretty intimidating to a novice researcher and I might end up wasting a trip to the capital. Thanks for your help.
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13th May 2015, 09:20 AM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
that is very emotional and sad i am feeling grief......cappy
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13th May 2015, 07:42 PM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hello David,
Thanks for the link - thought provoking indeed.
I think you need to start with his service records - I note you have his earlier files but not those post 1920.
You need to consult Lloyd's Captains Register which should list all of his ships up until 1947. You will hopefully find them at the London Metropolitan Archives. Details in this link:
Hopefully he will also have a CRS 10 (Service record from January 1941) held at Kew in piece BT 382/1249
Best obtained by visit to Kew or via researcher.
I presume you have his WW2 medal file held at Kew in piece BT 395/1/68743
If not you can download it for Ł3.30.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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14th May 2015, 08:46 AM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hello Hugh,
That is very helpful, thank you. In reverse order, just like Eurovision, I have his medal record as well as the real things. I have asked Kew for an estimate for a copy of his CRS 10 and that just leaves LMA.
I've emailed them in the past but it didn't get very far - the secret is knowing what question to ask and your link went straight to the right place. It seems that he should be listed in Mss 18568 or 9 so I'll pursue that. What sort of detail will be shown on these cards? Is a personal visit to the Great Metrolops essential or is it possible to order copies on-line as at Kew? You've obviously been down this path more times than I so may I continue to pick your brains? Thanks for all the guidance so far.
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14th May 2015, 05:02 PM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hello David,
Just post any questions you have on here and I will be happy to help you if I can.
Firstly, regarding the Kew estimate, I pretty much guarantee they will come back saying they cannot do the research or they will quote you silly money. If so let me know.
Regarding the Lloyd's Captains Register - I know where to find the information but have never had need to visit. I would suggest you give them a ring on the number at the bottom of the file I linked to earlier.
Details of what you might find - Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section - Lloyd's Captains Registers: Introductory Note
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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14th May 2015, 07:05 PM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hello Hugh,
How did you know about Kew? Email today said they couldn't search etc etc. Is that because BT 382/1249 is just a huge collection of individual records? I've found them very helpful in the past with Crew Agreements and so on so I presume the subject is very different from what I've done before.
It's starting to look like a visit to London but I'll ask what they can do to avoid having to go in person and report back.
Thanks again,
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14th May 2015, 11:11 PM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hi David,
BT 382/1249 is held in alphabetical surname block order and they deem it as research to look for the file. Just another rip off IMHO.
Yes, best viewed by visit to Kew and then to LMA if you can.
"If Blood was the price
We had to pay for our freedom
Then the Merchant Ship Sailors
Paid it in full”
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20th May 2015, 05:04 PM
Re: Athel Line between the wars
Hi Hugh,
Well, we have a cunning plan - but it will be a few weeks before putting it to the test because of distractions like holidays etc. My niece is going to do the Kew part (well I hope she is) and her Mum, my sister, has offered a few days stay with her in Sussex. We thought we'd do the LMA in the morning and then she suggested we take the boat to Greenwich - so is there anything we might aim at in the Maritime Museum?
Like all cunning plans it is fraught with risk, in particular that my wife and sister might take the opportunity to go off shopping!
It's strange because I worked in Greenwich in the 60s and only once went into the museum, but my grandfather was still alive then so why should I? The snag is that he rarely spoke of his Athel years and at the time I thought little of the history which was slipping away.
Finally, to give me an idea of what I'm looking for, do you have, or can you point me at, a specimen of CRS 10 (is it similar to to CR 10 I have?) and, more importantly, an example of a Captain's Register entry.
As I said, I'll give you some peace soon as we're going to our favourite spot in the Pyrenees on Saturday. Thanks, as always, for your help.
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