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6th January 2012, 10:06 PM
Anco Sceptre
Hi, I only made one trip on the Anco Sceptre.
I boarded in Houston Texas on the 14th April 1975 and left in Yokohama on 30th August 1975.
I was an assistant steward on board.
I would like to know if anybody was on this trip between the dates above, and has any pictures of people, places, or the ship.
Yours Hopefully.
Allan James Chambers.
Thank you.
7th January 2012, 04:38 AM
Hi Allan.
Welcome aboard; give it a bit of time and I'm sure someone will come up with something. Odd Place join a British ship; had you paid off there? Put a full list of your ships and dates may see you find a shipmate.
Cheers Des
24th May 2012, 05:18 PM
Same ship
Hello Alan. I served on this ship as a Po stwd and also Po cook. The ship was a right mess and took considerable time to clean it up (accomodation wise) I was pretty appaled with it really.........
I was use to the Pan ocean ships which were far superior, bit of a shock joining an Athel tanker... I joined this ship the first time in new Orleans and it ws on a charter run form US gulf ports to Sth america, Recife coast alike.... I joined on promotion as PO stwd having just done a 6 mont haul on Post Challenger. When i got home the office phoned me to offer me the PO. rank if i flew out the following week to join the ship.. yep.. Of course i did. It was supposed to be for about 4 weeks but hey ho , 4 half months later i eventually escaped... Whilst on leave i went to the nautical Catering College Liverpool to do the CPO cooks ticket... So just rewards ii suppose.... not sure if ya are still on line but if ya are please do contact me. that would be good... Iv'e only just registered....
Either way, best of luck . Glen
Glen Barker MN 1973/ 1980
24th May 2012, 07:33 PM
anco sceptre
photo of Anco SceptreANCO SCEPTRE.jpg courtesy of Photoship

Tony Wilding
18th January 2013, 01:12 PM
Anco Sceptre
I sailed on the Anco Sceptre a couple of times in the 1980's...I was a deck cadet at the time...Fond memories indeed.
3rd December 2015, 10:13 PM
Re: Anco Sceptre
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