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6th January 2012, 09:53 PM
Anco Templar
Hi,I only sailed once on Anco Templar.
I was a assistant steward.
I joined in Curcacao on the 19th March 1974 and left on the 9th August 1974 in Rio De Janeirio.
My MNEA No was 143477/01.
The Captain , i believe was Mr K Richmond.
I would like to know if any person out there was also on this trip at any time within these date`s.
Yours Hopefully.
Allan James Chambers.
Thank You.
Last edited by Allan James Chambers; 6th January 2012 at 09:55 PM.
Reason: spelling
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20th May 2012, 08:14 PM
Anco Templar
Hi Allan
was that just after the Engine Room fire or before it ?. I flew out to Curacao via Madrid and Caraccas just after the fire, Keith Richmond was skipper.We were alongside with a hole cut in her to remove and replace the burnt out genny set .
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18th January 2013, 01:20 PM
Anco Templar
Remember rescuing the M.V. Maria which had caught on fire in the Red Sea in May 1981. Huge fire on-board her. We (Anco Templar) went to her rescue....Got some great photos !! We rescued the Crew of the M.V. Maria and then a helicopter from Yebbo, came out and airlifted them off the Anco Templar - Also, on another trip, Remember catching a few stowaways out of Mombassa as we headed for Dar-es-Salaam. They were in the funnel hiding at the time !!!
Anco Templar was a hard working vessel, but great to be on-board with such great crew members....ah, Happy memories..........
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3rd June 2015, 08:59 PM
Re: Anco Templar
Hello carl think we sailed together couple of times as junior op might of been with Steve Phillips as well
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9th September 2016, 03:06 PM
Re: Anco Templar
Hi Dave - we definitely sailed on the Templar together she I wAs on my final trip as a Cadet before doing my 2nd Mates Ticket ! My name then was Carl Gooch - Do you remember we caught 3 stowaways in the funnel when we left Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania ? Hope all is well mate
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