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Thread: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

  1. #31
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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Just choose "Blogs" , then "My Blog" on the main Page. Simon, and start your own one !
    This then will be seen by all who visit the Blog Section.
    Good Luck in your Searches!
    Last edited by Doc Vernon; 18th January 2025 at 09:22 PM.
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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Owens View Post
    - - - Updated - - -

    Thank you DV. Which category would you suggest I put it in? And yes, it has been a long time, but I have a good feeling about this. I've just got to be patient and chip away at it.
    Thank you DV Love it Simon look what it could mean.

    Dolci Vita

    a life of heedless pleasure and luxury: LOL
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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Vernon View Post
    Just choose "Blogs" , then "My Blog" on the main Page. Simon, and start your own one !
    This then will be seen by all who visit the Blog Section.
    Good Luck in your Searches!
    Excellent. Many thanks DV.

  6. #34
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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Quote Originally Posted by James Curry View Post
    Toss this one about it may be feasible? You say that he was onfoot walking to Plymouth and was hitch hiking, possibley had a few beers.
    Try this , what if he had been walking from Plymouth to where ever he lived. Could be possible he had signed off a ship in Plymouth and as some of us did had a few beers with ship mates and we all headed off home? I am thinking there may be records held at the national archives of old ships articles(Crew agreements) May be possible to view those articles? Per chance he may have been walking home with someone from the same ship and that someone decided to relieve him off his pay off wages. Dark road tap on the head and into a ditch with lad. Seems strange that there is not a missing persons report around somewhere. But a lot of seamen had no family or had turned his back on family many years ago. just a thought. Must admit to reading a lot of crime novels in my spare time lol.
    Hi James, to follow on from your thinking. I am being very mindful not to speculate on The Man from Tregantle's story. Speculation, and too much thinking, can send you down a myriad of rabbit holes and waste lots of time and energy when investigating stories such as these. BUT, i woke up this morning with this thought on my mind.. It seems a little odd that when they found his body, (after perhaps around four years after he died), that he was found with no clothing on at all. All that was left was his skeleton. So I googled "merchant navy stripping of clothes" and up popped a post. Sometimes, seafarers that were crossing the equator for the first time would go through an initiation for Neptune, that could include the stripping of their clothes. And now I am going to speculate for the first time in this story. Could The Man from Tregantle have missed out on this initiation when he crossed the equator, his mates found out when back on land, and during a bit of a night out, he was removed of his clothing as a prank, and left alone to make his way back to wherever he was staying or going? Hence, wandering off the road to find protection, and sadly succumbing to the cold. Total speculation I know, but I am going to include it as a possibility in my loose theory. Pranks like this happen in every day life, not often, but they do happen. People's thoughts on this?
    Last edited by Simon Owens; 19th January 2025 at 07:11 AM.

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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Owens View Post
    Hi James, to follow on from your thinking. I am being very mindful not to speculate on The Man from Tregantle's story. Speculation, and too much thinking, can send you down a myriad of rabbit holes and waste lots of time and energy when investigating stories such as these. BUT, i woke up this morning with this thought on my mind.. It seems a little odd that when they found his body, (after perhaps around four years after he died), that he was found with no clothing on at all. All that was left was his skeleton. So I googled "merchant navy stripping of clothes" and up popped a post. Sometimes, seafarers that were crossing the equator for the first time would go through an initiation for Neptune, that could include the stripping of their clothes. And now I am going to speculate for the first time in this story. Could The Man from Tregantle have missed out on this initiation when he crossed the equator, his mates found out when back on land, and during a bit of a night out, he was removed of his clothing as a prank, and left alone to make his way back to wherever he was staying or going? Hence, wandering off the road to find protection, and sadly succumbing to the cold. Total speculation I know, but I am going to include it as a possibility in my loose theory. Pranks like this happen in every day life, not often, but they do happen. People's thoughts on this?
    I have continued this thread in the Blog section of this Forum. Many thanks for your input so far.

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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Owens View Post
    People's thoughts on this?
    With all due respect I would think that you are clutching at the longest straw in the box.With my numerous decades in the marine industry, afloat and ashore, I have never asked another mariner whether or not they have crossed the equator, nor have I ever been asked by another mariner, asked by shore persons yes! (not allowed to called them landlubbers anymore)

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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    I never even saw any of these elaborate ceremony’s performed on a ship Ivan apart from mock up due to boredom of maybe turning a saltwater hose on a first tripper or shaving his head in a morbid pretension of amusement. And maybe explaining how you knew you were in the southern hemisphere my watching the water go down the washbasin in an anti clockwise swirl opposite to the northern hemisphere. All the king Neptune scenes were reserved as would imagine reserved for Hollywood, and passenger ships , and must have crossed the line a few hundred times .Now crossing the North Pole was more with it as received a signed certificate from JAL airlines for doing so flying from Amsterdam to Tokyo. Cheers JS

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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan Cloherty View Post
    With all due respect I would think that you are clutching at the longest straw in the box.With my numerous decades in the marine industry, afloat and ashore, I have never asked another mariner whether or not they have crossed the equator, nor have I ever been asked by another mariner, asked by shore persons yes! (not allowed to called them landlubbers anymore)
    Hi Ivan, thanks for your comment. As I said, it's pure speculation, but putting the equator part out of the equation for the moment, pranks like this happen, usually all fun and laughter but sometimes they go wrong. So, pure speculation, but I think it is worth a consideration. I am not in any hurry to try and solve this mystery. If I can be of use along the way, great. If I can't, then circumstances will make me aware of the fact. To date I am still very much encouraged with what I am discovering. The gentleman's identity may well be found out without even having to know how he happened to die up on that cliff.

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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Good luck in your endeavours, don't think you have to tell seamen about pranks, we did many that would probably get us locked up today.

    Yes crossing the line was mainly for the movies or liners, on cargo ships we were always busy, despite shorewallahs always asking ' how do you pass the time at sea' Mates, Bosuns, 2nd Engineers, Ch Stewards and others in charge always believed in the old adage 'idle hands make mischief'. Yes a few of us got our heads shaved (when it wasn't the fashion!) especially if you had a full head of curly hair, now in these latter years nature does it

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    Default Re: The Man from Tregantle, Torpoint, Cornwall.

    Today one goes into a barbershop and asks for a number 3 or 4 maybe having no idea what they mean , me I just say short back and sides or even sometimes just short backsides, learnt as a kid what number 1 or 2 was as was part of potty training , but to refer to one’s hairline by numbers beats me. Maybe has something to do with this A I ? JS
    Remember once in Greenock where we used to berth while navy divers coming out of saturation, the second engineer and self went ashore for haircuts via the pub, the only available hair dresser was a salon for ladies who professed to cut men’s hair as well. Going in one had to make an appointment , the 2nd. Who had little hair to start with asked how much was the cost of a haircut , which was exorbitant , he then asked the price of a shave which was slightly less, so he said put me down for a head shave. For any ex Seaforth personnel that was Ron Tewnion from Aberdeen a bit of a character , if he is still with us hope he hasn’t lost his humour. JS
    Last edited by j.sabourn; 23rd January 2025 at 10:26 PM. Reason: W

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