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2nd November 2014, 11:32 AM
How to start as a foreigner?
Hey guys,
I'm completely new here and am not really sure whether I'm posting in the right section of the forums but I have some questions to ask.
I'm a 21 year old guy from Hungary (a landlocked country in the heart of Europe). I'm really starting to get interested in the life of a seafarer, though I have never been on sea and obviously lack any kind of proper training and knowledge related to the business. I'm in a good health, I have a good physique and I speak English quite fluently. I would love to try out the lifestyle, working on a British cargo ship as an ordinary crewman (I don't even know what the proper name is for the lowest rank on board), but I have no idea what training should one go through before applying for such a job or if as a foreigner I have any chances at all.
So my questions are: What papers and training do I need for application in such jobs? Where could I find more information on the matter? In the UK where would I have to go to receive training and even find a job on a cargo ship? Is motion sickness a no-no (I don't know if I'm seasick or not, never been on the sea before)?
Thanks for your answers in advance and sorry if I posted in the wrong place.
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N/A liked this post
2nd November 2014, 11:36 AM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
Be patient Saul
Someone will come up with an answer.
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2nd November 2014, 11:46 AM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
You've certainly posted on the right site Saul and if your written English is anything to go by then language will not be a barrier. Advice will be coming from other members who have more experience than I in the methods of joining today's merchant navy. Sea sickness is not something you can predict, some seafarers (very few) get it every trip but get over it in a few minutes, some never at all, I was amongst the latter, mostly it's a mind over matter situation, don't think about it and your unlikely to get it. Don't worry about being from a land locked country, so is Switzerland and they had a fine ocean going fleet manned by their own personnel. It is Sunday so a lot of members will be out with their families or at association meetings, but advice will come thick and fast during the week. Remember going to sea is a vocation and not just a job, so you really have to WANT to go because once you have left the quayside there is no going back and once you've finished your allocated hours you cannot go home to a stable bed, good weather and bad weather, you're stuck with it, but as you see from this site, we all survived and enjoyed it and I doubt there is not a man aboard this site who does not wish he could do all over again. Good luck in your endeavours.
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2nd November 2014, 12:35 PM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
saul try cruise companies first and go from there even some companies like Maersk have standby posts even for ex captains and chief engineers but working for a cruise line might give you a taste for the sea and once you have tasted it you have got to have more good luck lad,,jp
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2nd November 2014, 02:19 PM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
Good Luck Saul.
I hope you get your wish.
As for seasickness, well i suspect 99% of seamen have suffered from it, dont worry, its all over after about 3 days but I can assure you its something you will never forget
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2nd November 2014, 10:11 PM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
welcome to the site Saul.
Sea sick . Well depends on a lot of things.
My wife did a 7 month trip with me in 71. Only ship she had been on was Mersy Ferries. She was never sick once. Thro storms and cam.
She enjoyed it when it was a bit choppie. or even worse.I you have bad weather do not look at the masthead or the horizon. That will knock you sick
Just remember if your going to be sick always use the leewards side . not into the wind.
Always eat something , ever a bit toast. Make sure there is something to bring up from the old belly.
Other than that good luck on your hunt. " Lucky begger I wish that I had never left"
Once you have joined the MN you are a MN seaman, Not Scottish , english Dutch or any other country, YOU ARE A MN SEAMAN
And friends you make there could be friends for life.
Ron the batcave
Last edited by Ron B Manderson; 2nd November 2014 at 10:17 PM.
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3rd November 2014, 12:17 AM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?

Originally Posted by
Saul Osman
Hey guys,
I'm completely new here and am not really sure whether I'm posting in the right section of the forums but I have some questions to ask.
I'm a 21 year old guy from Hungary (a landlocked country in the heart of Europe). I'm really starting to get interested in the life of a seafarer, though I have never been on sea and obviously lack any kind of proper training and knowledge related to the business. I'm in a good health, I have a good physique and I speak English quite fluently. I would love to try out the lifestyle, working on a British cargo ship as an ordinary crewman (I don't even know what the proper name is for the lowest rank on board), but I have no idea what training should one go through before applying for such a job or if as a foreigner I have any chances at all.
So my questions are: What papers and training do I need for application in such jobs? Where could I find more information on the matter? In the UK where would I have to go to receive training and even find a job on a cargo ship? Is motion sickness a no-no (I don't know if I'm seasick or not, never been on the sea before)?
Thanks for your answers in advance and sorry if I posted in the wrong place.
This is a wined up lads, Here you go Saul get yourself a job aboard this its about your only chance.
{terry scouse}
3rd November 2014, 12:32 AM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
#12, ?? Not again surely?
3rd November 2014, 01:13 PM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?
Thanks for all the replies guys!
To Ivan: I know it's more than a job and that it needs some dedication. I'm kind of a loner myself, so am quite fond of traveling and solitude (as in being far away from home). I don't think that will be much of a trouble. Sadly my country has no such feet as Switzerland. There are a few companies operating barges on the two main rivers, but in my humble opinion it's nothing compared to the seafaring life. Thanks for the kind words!
To John Pruden: I've been thinking about cruise companies, but the thing is that there are way too many people around. I don't mind company and am far from anti-social, but all the people aboard a cruise ship would be a bit too much for me. Still, for starters it's definitely an option of course.
I'm glad to hear that sea-sickness is ok! Not sure if I have it, but it's good to know it's quite common and can be easily dealt with.
Also: Are there any sites on the internet where I could read up on requirements, training, basics and such?
Thanks again guys, it's really nice that you all replied with such kindness!
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3rd November 2014, 02:24 PM
Re: How to start as a foreigner?

Originally Posted by
red lead ted
This is a wined up lads, Here you go Saul get yourself a job aboard this its about your only chance.

Now now Terry let's not be too hasty
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