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Thread: Unlawfull

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    Further thought, do the 'Bleedin Hearts' never learn, look a the mental damage they did to returned Viet Nam Vets. What the pollies and top brass are doing now will mentally scar all of the returned forces and others from Afghanistan forever.

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  3. #42
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    #44 Not only the conscripts themselves but to their wives and families . A stigma that none of them deserved in fact just the opposite. As to the accusation about VCs #43 most high ranking Awards go through a meticulous examination before being chosen , previous character and performances are also qualified , unless it is decided by political persons that an example be shown for moral boosting , this happened in certain theatres of conflict during the last WW which my father and uncles all told me at various times , that the regimental commander was told so many gongs were to be distributed to their men. Like most occasions like this the job of selection would be delegated down the line and would probably finish up at platoon level , so it was probably a sergeant that made the final decision. JS.
    Last edited by j.sabourn; 28th November 2020 at 05:52 AM.

  4. #43
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Wood View Post
    Further thought, do the 'Bleedin Hearts' never learn, look a the mental damage they did to returned Viet Nam Vets. What the pollies and top brass are doing now will mentally scar all of the returned forces and others from Afghanistan forever.
    hi colin
    the same here in the uk, these same limp wristed policy makers dont have the courage to defend a broken biscuit
    but send our troops into hostile situations, and then when they do their job they are trained to do, they are hounded for years to come by the very same weak limp wristed ****houses.

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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    what I said originally that any problems the army had should have been for the army to deal with , and the last thing that should ever have been done was to release to the media. They are now reaping the benefits of their gross mishandling of the subject in hand. There is no doubt in my mind that the next phase in the game is the resignation of some very senior officers , probably the top one. In today’s world of commerce the head one of any business is responsible for the well being of all those under him. The army and any of our armed forces are now being brought into this category whereas they should or would of in the past been responsible themselves . The mess now in public view and open to any stories right or wrong is open for world consumption . Probably the best propoganda the world has seen for many years , and for those who bear Australia Ill will a stroke of good fortune, it could not have been planned better , or maybe it was. Ultimately the blame or a great proportion will finish up with the head honchos , so a lot will disappear soon , those politicians also who had any involvement with same . You don’t send men into war conditions and sit back and take all the kudos , you also take some if not all of their pain. JS

    Ps if I remember correctly the Media has been reporting of 9 suicides by squaddies of the Afghan war, this adds to a much previous total before this blew up . The moral of the Defence forces must be at a very low level at the moment , and it is all unnecceasary. The country owes them and their families a huge debt for the duties they undertook , to even think of blotting out their past endeavours by taken medals away, is unthinkable . JS
    Last edited by j.sabourn; 5th December 2020 at 06:56 AM.

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  8. #45
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    Quote Originally Posted by j.sabourn View Post
    There is no doubt in my mind that the next phase in the game is the resignation of some very senior officers , probably the top one. . JS
    Only once they have ensured the pension is secure!

  9. #46
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    Only need 22 years service for that Ivan. Adult service that is from the age of 18. So some could be as. Young as 40. At 40 I was tramping the oceans of the world and looking forward to being 65 and a comfortable pension. Was sadly disappointed , 1100 pounds was my biggest claim to fame. Being the redundancy payment. Anything else I have mostly paid myself. The world only owes a living to the chosen few. Any of those squaddies who get the boot will lose all pension rights I would imagine so will have to adjust to a different lifestyle JS.
    Last edited by j.sabourn; 5th December 2020 at 10:48 AM.

  10. #47
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    Quote Originally Posted by j.sabourn View Post
    what I said originally that any problems the army had should have been for the army to deal with , and the last thing that should ever have been done was to release to the media. They are now reaping the benefits of their gross mishandling of the subject in hand. There is no doubt in my mind that the next phase in the game is the resignation of some very senior officers , probably the top one. In today’s world of commerce the head one of any business is responsible for the well being of all those under him. The army and any of our armed forces are now being brought into this category whereas they should or would of in the past been responsible themselves . The mess now in public view and open to any stories right or wrong is open for world consumption . Probably the best propoganda the world has seen for many years , and for those who bear Australia Ill will a stroke of good fortune, it could not have been planned better , or maybe it was. Ultimately the blame or a great proportion will finish up with the head honchos , so a lot will disappear soon , those politicians also who had any involvement with same . You don’t send men into war conditions and sit back and take all the kudos , you also take some if not all of their pain. JS

    Ps if I remember correctly the Media has been reporting of 9 suicides by squaddies of the Afghan war, this adds to a much previous total before this blew up . The moral of the Defence forces must be at a very low level at the moment , and it is all unnecceasary. The country owes them and their families a huge debt for the duties they undertook , to even think of blotting out their past endeavours by taken medals away, is unthinkable . JS
    hi john sabourn
    as you have stated, the publicity around this event, may have been preset by certain individuals, whom have a agenda to humiliate or bring to book australia, obviously there is one large elephant in the room being china, as it stinks of the communist mindset, to unleash this type of news, which in turn is picked up by the liberal left wing press, whom then goes about putting in print for all the world to see, which is exactly what the chinese communists party set out to achieve in its quest for some kind of retaliation.

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  12. #48
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    I have said it before and i will keep saying it, it should be in every countries constitution, that the first battalion of soldier to go to war from any country should be the Politicians. it would save a lot of angst.
    Lest We Forget

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  14. #49
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    Default Re: Unlawfull

    Des, it would stop ware for sure if that happened.

    But announced today that about 60 soldiers have said they will resign from the Army is any further action taken.
    Happy daze John in Oz.

    Life is too short to blend in.

    John Strange R737787
    World Traveller

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